Who We Are
City Kirken is a fellowship alive of Christians. Vi are located in the greater Copenhagen area, and meet every week for worship and on other occasions. City Kirken belongs to the Baptist Church of Denmark, and thus is an officially recognised religious community.
Why [yet another] Church?
God’s purpose with the church was a community, a fellowship of believers, a kind of extended family.
This was the vision that sparkled the start of the City Kirken back in 1987, when 13 people moved to suburbian Taastrup with the intention of starting a living and relevant contemporary fellowship of Christian believers. During the first 2-3 years, the church received financial support from other baptist churches in Copenhagen, but has since 1990 been self financing. Free churches do not receive financial support from the state as does the Danish State Church.
Currently, we have fellowships in the suburb Taastrup, with most members based in either Taastrup, Albertslund or Ishøj in the Western part of Copenhagen. Currently, around 100 persons have an affiliation with the church.
How City Kirken is Different
We believe that God is alive – and we should be too! Hence, in our worship services, we emphasize contemporary worship songs and music and a biblical and practically founded preaching.
With us, it is not only the pastor preaching… Often many more people are involved in our services.
We believe that each and every person has something to contribute. We would like to help everyone to function well, socially as well as spiritually.
To be a Christian is not simply a Sunday morning event only! We try to “walk the talk” and actually do what the pastor preaches, or at least expect him to do so 🙂
We value fellowship and mutual relation. We actually like to meet, also outside of church.
Where Can You Meet Us?
Since you’ve chosen to read this in English, chances are that English is your mother tongue, and that you’re looking for an English speaking community of believers – or that English is your second language and Danish isn’t your first…
Anyway, if you are a temporary visitor to Copenhagen. Don’t despair. There’s always someone at the services who can translate what’s going on into English
If you plan to stay longer, we can also help you to find a English speaking community (or other languages, too, for that matter. As a matter of fact we have quite close relations to one of the African (English speaking) Baptist churches in copenhagen; see the contacts.
* City Kirken = City Church in English