Tag-arkiv: Michael Simone

Michael Simone i City Kirken

Søndag 25. oktober kl. 11.00

Michael Simone photo

Michael Simone er stifter af og ledende præst I Spring Branch Church. Han er uddannet på Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary og Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Som leder for en kirke er han stærkt involveret I Global Leadership Summit. Dette er også grunden til hans årlige besøg I Danmark. Spring Branch Church har en afdeling i Pakistan, som City Kirken støtter gennem præsten Latif Masih.

Ved Gudstjenesten går indsamlingen til Spring Branch Church i Pakistan. Læs mere om arbejdet her: Arbejdet i Pakistan


Søndag 25. oktober kl. 11.00

Taastrup Kulturcenter, Poppel Allé 10, 2630 Taastrup

Presentation in english:

Michael Simone is the founding and Senior Pastor of Spring Branch Church. Spring Branch is a member of the Willow Creek Association and is a premier host site for the Global Leadership Summit. His wife, Gail, is the Creative Arts Director at Spring Branch. Michael attended Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary with degrees in Religious Education, Marriage and Family Ministry. He is the chaplain at the Virginia Beach Psychiatric Hospital and an adjunct Professor of Religion at St. Leo University. In 2013 he published his first book Altitude, your next move changes everything. He loves God, eating out with friends, church, mission trips, his grandchildren and baseball.